What is your opinion of online Jiu-Jitsu academies?

Jiu-Jitsu is a live interactive art.  You can watch a video and watch it and try on your own to mimic that movement, but you are never going to get it right.  Yo thoroughly understand the movement and learn it you have to be able to interact live with an instructor.  No where in the […]

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu vs. other Martial Arts

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu has proven itself that it is the most complete and most effective martial art in existence.  There is no valid example against it.  I’m a die hard wrestler, but it is incomplete, it does not have striking or kicking.  Same with boxing it is incomplete, it has no ground fighting skills.  Karate and […]

What are some of the techniques taught DSDA

We teach the basic Royce Gracie techniques.  We focus on position, getting into a better position, once the position is covered then we focus on joint manipulation and chokes.  We always teach position first.  If you can’t get out of a hold then you might have to break something.  But chokes are the ultimate neutralizer.  […]

Self Defense Techniques

What do I need to be to be a good training partner?  When I apply technique and you feel it is a far as you can go make sure you tap me to let me know.  If I throw you and you hit the ground, make sure you break fall, which means let your arms […]

Sport Jiu-Jitsu vs. Self Defense Jiu-Jitsu

They are two seperate entities.  Self defense is the defensive side of the training.  The art of Jiu-Jitsu is a self defense technique.  But tournaments were created to test your ground fighting skills and what has happened over the years, things have evolved.  The rules have changed.  I don’t believe in the rules they have […]

What is the black belt testing?

Within the Royce Gracie network, what is the black belt testing?  Royce decided that promoting to the black belt needed to be different because it was a huge thing.  So he decided to team up with colleagues of his to create a very formal testing procedure.  They invite the brown belts to be tested in […]

How young can kids start training?

Our academy starts training them as young as 3.  Kinder Grapplers is Kindergarten for grapplers.  They are learning how to behave, interact with other kids, stand still, listen, and also grappling.  Teaching them to be comfortable physically engaged with another kid.  They learn how to respect their coach, stand still, etc.  After that they graduate […]

What is meant by comfort level when training Jiu-Jitsu?

This is the single most important thing that someone can learn.  People have to be comfortable in an uncomfortable position.  You can be really good at Jiu-Jitsu but until you are comfortable it doesn’t translate over into real life situations.  We teach the kids that once they can conquer the uncomfortableness then they can start […]