How do promotions work?

We have very strict and very rigid criteria.  First and foremost it is a basic time.  For every belt rank we have, there is a solid guideline for how much a student needs to be in attendance.  For example our white belt, brand new student.  That person needs to expect that he will attend class […]

What are some of the benefits in training?

First you have the physical aspect, you will get in shape, and lose some pounds.  Then you have the social aspect, here at Meia Guarda Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu we focus on nice, professional, responsible mature adults.  We have Realtors, Doctors, Teachers, Blue collars, Laborers, a wide array of people and when they all come to […]

How does DCSA teach Jiu Jitsu?

The adult class is an hour class at each location 2 days a week, we all wear a white outfit with blue undershirt, we keep the class very organized.  The first 10 minutes is the history philosophy lesson, we talk about history of Jiu-jitsu, positive thinking, healthy eating, how to keep emotionally balanced.  The next […]

Is Jiu Jitsu just for men?

There is a perception in the community that Jiu Jitsu is just for young athletic men.  What would you tell women and parents that were  thinking about participating in training?  I would say that is absolutely incorrect, Jiu Jitsu is for everybody, it does not discriminate, it absolutely for everybody.  Jiu Jitsu is what you […]

Why do you have a blue bar on your black belt?

You have a blue bar on your black belt, explain the difference between the blue bar and the red bar.  The whole belt ranking system has gone through a lot of changes over the years.  When Grand Master Helio got frustrated with what sports Jiu Jitsu had become, he took off his red belt and […]

Injuries and training through them

In our instruction class, we teach the technique, you partner up with someone, you very slowly run through the technique with that person as a drill, it’s a muscle memory drill.  After the end of that class for those that want to they can stay for the second class, which is a sparring class.  Probably […]

What is required to teach or own a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy?

What certifications does it take to own a Jiu-jitsu academy?  Unfortunatley there isn’t anything.  There is no police running around checking credentials.  You will never see a Karate school with a blue belt or green belt running their program, it’s always a highly decorated black belt.  But Jiu-jitsu has become so popular that you find […]

What is the Jiu-Jitsu Lineage?

The Meia Guarda Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a Royce Gracie Academy, there is a lineage that comes along with that.  Royce was the one who fought in the first UFC, he is the one who single handedly proved to people that size and strength and athleticism makes no difference at all.  When he stopped fighting […]

Jiu-Jitsu’s History and Philosophy

The history and philosophy of Jiu-jitsu is a very colorful and unique history.  I’m a huge student of the history of philosophy of Jiu-jitsu. It doesn’t go back near as far as alot of other traditional arts do.  For what we consider written history we accredit it from Late 1800’s till now and then it […]

What is Gracie Jiu-Jitsu

Meia Guarda Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu training academy.  The biggest identifying factor that seperates traditional Brazilian Jiu-jitsu from Gracie Jiu-jitsu is simply the methodology, the teaching method, the history and the philosophy and the beliefs behind it.  Traditional BJJ focuses on one thing and that’s ground fighting, the sports side of it, […]